Predicting Bank Churn Rate
This project aims to predict if the existing customer is going to stay with the bank or not.It is beneficial for banks to know what leads a client towards the decision to leave he company
Table of contents
Dataset is taken from Kaggle :
- RowNumber: Corresponds to the record (row) number and has no effect on the output.
- CustomerId: Contains random values and has no effect on customer leaving the bank.
- Surname: The surname of a customer has no impact on their decision to leave the bank.
- CreditScore: Can have an effect on customer churn, since a customer with a higher credit score is less likely to leave the bank.
- Country: A customer’s location can affect their decision to leave the bank.
- Gender: It’s interesting to explore whether gender plays a role in a customer leaving the bank.
- Age: This is certainly relevant, since older customers are less likely to leave their bank than younger ones.
- Tenure: Refers to the number of years that the customer has been a client of the bank. Normally, older clients are more loyal and less likely to leave a bank.
- Balance: Also a very good indicator of customer churn, as people with a higher balance in their accounts are less likely to leave the bank compared to those with lower balances.
- NumOfProducts: Refers to the number of products that a customer has purchased through the bank.
- HasCrCard: Denotes whether or not a customer has a credit card. This column is also relevant, since people with a credit card are less likely to leave the bank.
- IsActiveMember: Active customers are less likely to leave the bank.
- EstimatedSalary: As with balance, people with lower salaries are more likely to leave the bank compared to those with higher salaries.
- Exited: Whether or not the customer left the bank.
This dataset can be used to predict whether a customer is likely to leave the bank or not based on the various features provided. The columns can be used for exploratory data analysis and predictive modeling.
Methods Used
- Data Visualization
- Data Imputation
- Data Preprocessing
- Python
- Jupyter Notebooks
- StreamLit
Required Packages
- Streamlit
- LazyPredict